Untitled Art Miami Beach 2024 Performance Art Program|Dai Ying · No Dust to be Wiped (P1 Booth)

No Dust to be Wiped is a performance by Dai Ying, presented by the Yiwei Gallery, which took place during the opening day at the Untitled Art Miami Beach on Dec 3, 2024.

Her installation features containers and soil contributed by 108 individuals and families from China who left their hometowns in pursuit of work and opportunity. Each container holds personal meaning, tied to their experiences and emotions. The soil within is collected from their places of birth, symbolizing a reconnection with their roots. Using soil, water, and cultural symbols, Dai Ying integrates Eastern shamanistic rituals into her performance art. Through her body movements, she serves as a mediator and portal, exploring the rise of Eastern female energy and strength in a contemporary context.

The work advocates for world peace, equality, and the dismantling of power hierarchies, promoting harmonious relationships between people and with the world. It opposes war and actions that violate human rights, calling for collective reflection and change.


No Dust to be Wiped (2023)